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Mentor Selections
Feestcie #2
Faculty Day

Come join us during our Faculty Day where you can join us in an afternoon that is both educational and social!
Follow a short lecture from the track of Psychology, Pedagogical Sciences and/or Movement Sciences. Afterwards we have prepared a lot of fun games and we will be providing you with drinks and luxuerious snacks. 
Don't forget to sign up!

General Board Meeting #5
General Meeting #3
Mini Event: Easter Brunch
Mentor Day
Barcie #3
Active Member Weekend
LEX #3
General Board Meeting #6
Wintersportcie Reunion
Master Event
Mini Event: King's Day
Study Free Week
Pedcie #3
Alumni Borrel
Career Days
Barcie #4
Study Sessions
General Board Meeting #7
General Board Meeting #7
Reiscie Reunion
Mentor Weekend
General Meeting #4
Chronicles Release Event
Study Sessions
BBQ Borrel
VU Introduction Days
Feestcie #2: PSY-Kickoff
Borrel #0
VU Introduction Days
General Meeting #1
Meet the committees 2
LEX #4: Body Heat
General Board Meeting #1
Illusie Weekend
Actie #4
Recess #1
Mini-event 1
Barcie #5
Sportcie #3
Mini Event: Tosti Tuesday
GBM #2
Welcome to Amsterdam
Study sessions
Mini Event: Waffle Wednesday
Active Member Day
Recess: Just Dance
Mini Event: Movie Night
Actie #1: Yoga
Borrel #1: Disney's Dazzling Dance
GBM #3
Mini Event: Pick me up Poffertjes
Barcie #1: Animal Kingdom
LEX #1: Conspiracy theories
Wintersportcie pre-union
Mini Event: Ornament Making
Study sessions
First Year Event
GBM #4
GM #2
New Years Borrel
Study sessions
Mini Event: Pre-exam Pancakes
Barcie #2
Information Candidate Board
Illusie: Mentor Selections
LEX #3
Board event
GBM #5
Reiscie: Pre-union
Pedcie #1
GM #3
Study sessions
Mini Event
Illusie: Mentor Event
Barcie #3
Parent's Day
Wintersportcie reunion
Active Member Weekend
Actie #3
Feestcie #2: Gala
Master's Event
GBM #6
LEX #4
Reiscie: Study trip
Pedcie #2
Barcie #4
Study sessions
Mini Event
GBM #7
Chronicles: Release Event
Actie #4
GM #4
Illusie: Mentor weekend
Study sessions
BBQ Borrel
VU Introduction Days
Feestcie #3: Psy Kick-off
Borrel #0
Meet the Committees
Illusie Weekend
Reiscie: Reunion
Actie #2
