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Blogpost #5 - Lucas


Hi amazing VSPVU’ers,

I’m excited to share with you a glimpse of my journey as Treasurer at VSPVU so far. It's been a whirlwind of experiences, filled with both challenges and triumphs!

The initial months were intense, as I navigated through the myriad of responsibilities that come with this role. Crafting a budget plan alongside my fellow Board members was no easy feat, but seeing it come to life and being approved was incredibly rewarding. Setting up the financial structures for all the committees was a busy and sometimes chaotic period, but it was also an opportunity to meet many new members, which has been a highlight for me.

Being Treasurer comes with its own unique set of challenges. Managing the finances, ensuring everything balances, and keeping track of expenses require a lot of attention to detail, discipline, and motivation. But it’s not all numbers and spreadsheets—there's also plenty of fun! Whether it's attending committee meetings or participating in events, there’s always something exciting happening.

Now that we’re more than halfway through the Board year, I feel fully in control of my duties. This has allowed me to take on some side projects and enjoy other aspects of my role, like writing this blog post! One of the things I love most about being Treasurer is the sense of responsibility and the satisfaction that comes from ensuring the association’s finances are in good shape.

We’ve just wrapped up an exhausting but exhilarating ski trip and are already planning for our next big adventure, as well as the Active Member Weekend, which I’m really looking forward to!

Feel free to stop by the room anytime—whether you have questions about finances, want to chat about the Board, or just want to hang out. I’m always happy to help and connect with our members.

See you at the next event!

Lucas Ehrlich
Treasurer of the 77th Board
