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Blog post #3 - Melissa


Hi guys,

Here’s my take on my Board experience, from applying to meeting our next Candidate Board!

I applied pretty late last year, when I found out that I could combine being in the Board with my studies. I was really excited to dedicate my year to the VSPVU with the people that formed our Board! One of my worries was that, as an introvert, I would get exhausted of being around people all the time. I have to say that in the beginning, I did feel very tired at times (especially CoBo’s drained me). I found it hard to balance my (VSPVU and private life) tasks in a way that would preserve my energy. However, with time, I managed to do this: by prioritising my sanity and saying “no” more often.

What I think is so great about being in the Board is that it will often put you out of your comfort zone. It’s made me realise that I am capable of doing much more than I thought before. It’s also taught me to let go of habits that held me back, like being too perfectionist and keeping to myself too often.

While a Board year can be challenging at times, it’s more often so fun! Organising events with the rest of the Board, watching my committees bond with each other, seeing people having fun at events, all makes me very happy. I think I can speak for all of the Board when I say that the time we spend with our committees are often the best hours of our Board week.  If the VSPVU were to be a bike, we would be the frame and our committees would be our wheels <3

I hope this very personal blog post makes you consider doing a Board year. I believe it was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. Even though the academic year is ending soon, we are not done yet!! We will make the last months unforgettable and we hope to see you until our very last GM.

Much love,


Commissioner Education of the 77th Board
