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We are looking for Chairmen!
The VSPVU consists of all sorts of committees and without their wonderful chairmen perhaps you would be missing out some of the events that you really enjoy. The academic year is coming to an end and we need new chairmen for the next academic year. From now on, you can apply for the committee you want to be the chairman of, by signing-up via form. Before you do so, we urge you to check the committees page to get a better understanding of what committees we have and which one suits you the best.
Reasons for why you should apply:
- Expand your contacts,
- Improve your leadership skills,
- Have fun organizing events,
- Contribute to your CV
IMPORTANT! Sign-ups will be open until all committees have a Chairman. However, you can only be officially announced as a Chairman during a General Board Meeting. If we don’t receive your sign-up 2 days before the upcoming GBM, then you will have to wait to apply until the next one. This also means first come first serve, the one who applied first will have the opportunity to be approved first.
Dates of GBM’s. Remember that we have to receive your sign-up 2 days before these dates!
- 4th of June
- 16th of September