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Website update: New features


Dear reader,

It has been a few days since we have updated our website and we have been working very hard to resolve as much issues as possible in the first days. Thank you for all the feedback we have received so far, but all the help is appreciated! In this post, we will explain some things we have already done and what is still in the works for upcoming period.

  • To start of, one of the most requested features EVER has been implemented: when on a computer, you can now right click on photos to save all the pictures you want! Do note that the highest quality of images is lowered due to website compression, which is fine for social media use. If you would like to receive a higher quality image if possible, you can send us requests with the Picture Request form.
  • We have redone the whole website lay-out: behind the scenes we have removed all useless pages, re-ordered the menu bar and all its pages and all information has been checked for up-to-date standards. We have also made English the main priority website, but we are still updating the Dutch website as well! Some pages, like News and Events, are pages that we can only offer in one language due to website limitations. Therefore, when clicking on some items you will be redirected to the English website. We are looking into options to make these pages bilangual, but this is the most efficient way of managing the website at the moment.
  • It can be very annoying when you stumble upon a page which does not work. This is something that happened a lot on the previous website, but with all changes that we have made we hope to prevent this as much as possible. In the event that you do stumble upon an error, from now on we give you more insight into what might went wrong and what options you have. We have also made an Error form, in which you can send in any issues you found.
  • Some pages have been revamped and look better than ever before! For example, when going to our Board & Committees page, you can now find all of our Committees in a collage-style web page, including all committee members, their functions and a profile picture. The Activities area has been renewed with bigger posters, more information about activities and useful buttons in the menu bar to find all Member tickets, Non-member tickets and Authorization Forms.
  • Our forms have been updated for Friends of the VSPVU, the Idea Box and Contact. Also, on our new News page we will post weekly updates of the association and committees and partners are also able to post items on there. Please contact us to ask us about the possibilities!
  • The Account area has been improved with only the important pages in a menu item called "My VSPVU". In there, you can approve for the annual contribution, update your profile picture, change your password and share your thoughts and feelings on a community page by clicking on "My VSPVU".
  • We are looking into the possibilities to renew our Vacancies area as well! We are also looking into the possibilities of adding a search bar on our website: the placeholder is there already, but we are now looking into indexing the whole website so that all information can easily be found. To add onto that, we have also added a Frequently Asked Questions-page to the Become a Member-area. If you have any questions that can be put onto there, please contact us. Finally, we are still changing some design items to our website, like looking into the possibilities of adding our Huisstijl fonts to the website or changing colors.

We know this is a lot of information, but we want to tell you so, so much since we are very excited for this change! Of course this is not all, and we are not done yet, but this is what we wanted to tell you already. If you have any suggestions or ideas, please send it to us using the Idea Box. We thank you for your time and patience, and we hope that you will make much use of the new website!

Kind regards,
The 73rd Board of VSPVU
