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The VSPVU is known for its conventions, parties, borrels, the ball, the introduction week, the trips, etcetera. Besides all of these activities in the free afternoon and evening hours, the VSPVU deals with education. After all, the reason you came to the VU is your study. That is why we also organize a lot of education-related activities, are involved in the sales of your study books and arrange a discount for you as a member of the VSPVU. This way, studying will be a little easier for you. 

Choosing your Master
There are a lot of directions you could go in when studying Psychology. Not only in the field itself, but the study could also serve as the perfect bridge to other studies or master programs. It is important to start orienting during your time as a bachelor's student. If you know early on which parts of your study you do or do not find interesting, it will be easier to choose a (pre-)minor in your second and third year, which could determine your master's choice and opportunities. An overview of all Psychology and Child Studies masters in the Netherlands can be found on our Master Guides page.

If you are having a hard time choosing the direction you want to go in, do not hesitate to make an appointment with one of the academic advisors. If you do not know how to make such an appointment, take a look at our Useful Sites page, where every step needed for making an appointment is described. The VSPVU also hosts different kinds of activities focused on orientating, like networking events, trips to different companies, and Career Days. 
