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During your study, it is important to stay focused on your future, because a lot of jobs require some previous experience in the work field. It can be quite hard to acquire such experience. Therefore, the VSPVU tries to guide you in this search throughout your time as a student. We have made a roadmap especially for you, so you have something to fall back on when you have to start making choices for your future.

To draw the attention of interesting companies, it is important to have a professional-looking resumé and LinkedIn page. LinkedIn is a social medium on which you can profile yourself on the job market. To make your LinkedIn attractive to companies, you need a good personal summary with your qualities and strengths, as well as a professional-looking profile picture. This means not using a selfie or a vacation snapshot, but a high-quality portrait taken by a good photographer. Update your profile with relevant job experience, certificates and education. If your profile looks unprofessional or incomplete, recruiters will refrain from contacting you.

Another important part of professionalizing yourself is having a representative resumé. In this document, you describe the (side)jobs you have had, your diplomas and certificates and other side activities. It is also important to describe the main tasks and responsibilities per job. Besides information about your education and experience, personal interests and skills are also expected to be described on your resumé. The VSPVU also organizes workshops to among other things help you design your resume and LinkedIn.

It is very important to acquire work experience that will be relevant for your future jobs. There are several ways to acquire this. First, you can do some volunteering in the field of Psychology. For example, you could participate in the organization of different studies done at the VU. In contrast to volunteer work, it can be quite hard to find a relevant side job. If you want to stay tuned, create a profile on an online vacancy platform or become a member of our Vacancy Alert Facebook page. Here we post all relevant vacancies we receive. We also have a special Vacancy page on the website. 
