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History of the VSPVU

In 1947, Sir C. Sanders got the assignment from his professor, sir Waterink, to erect a faculty association. Together with Sir Fokkema, he established the ‘Vereniging voor Studenten Psychologie aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam’. The VSPVU then counted 56 Psychology students and had a purely scientific function. At that time, Psychology was still a sub-faculty of the Faculty of the Letters and was only introduced to the VU in 1929 with the advent of Professor Waterink. In 1966, Pedagogical Sciences were given their faculty association, Hilaritas, but this was lifted in the years. When Pedagogical Sciences and Psychology were brought together in one faculty, the VSPVU became the study association for Pedagogical Sciences students as well. This now exists under the name of ‘Vereniging voor Studenten Psychologie en Pedagogiek aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam’.

Initially, the VSPVU only gave lectures in small circles. Twenty years later, in 1967, the activities were significantly expanded. The association organised three foreign excursions, made study-related visits to the psychological practice and of course, organised social drinking gatherings and parties. Furthermore, she had her association magazine, which is now called “Tranz”, but was then known under the name “P.S., Laat u niet los!”. In the 70's, during the Bezetting van het Maagdenhuis, the VSPVU became a trade union. Students were much more politically oriented. The Provisorium has even been occupied! The VSPVU continued her active association life and grew and flourished. For the first time in 1992, articles of association were drawn up at the notary and the VSPVU was registered at the Chamber of Commerce. Up until a few years ago, it was a very active association and a function in the board was much desired. You had to make a lot of effort to become a member of the board: lots of lobbying and calling around had to be done to get votes on the General Member Meeting, where the new board was chosen.

Somewhere in 1997, the association life unfortunately collapsed a bit: it was not allowed to have social gatherings anywhere, candidates for the board could not be found and the committees were separate islands. The VSPVU room often remained empty, with the happy voices from the days of yore still reverberating against the tiles descendent from the times the room was still a shower room, while the coffee machine was wondering when it would “simmer and splash” again. In short: the VSPVU feeling was hard to find.

In September 1999, a new board started. They started professionalising the association. For the first time, they arranged VSPVU clothing for the active members and arranged the board scholarship. After that, the board further expanded by setting up a web committee, an Easter and Christmas brunch for the active members and the first study trip abroad! They also arranged a new room and even got a football table from the faculty. And for the first time in years, there was another VSPVU Ball.

In the years after that, the association grew further: in 2003, the board introduced new association colours: apple green and dark blue. This board also dealt with expressing appreciation towards the active members, for example by the ‘committee ten’. In this year, a study trip to Slovenia was independently organised for the first time, which was a huge success. In 2004, the Sandersbokaal was revised and the Sportcie was established. Also, a temporary committee was invoked to metamorphose the VSPVU room. A monthly social drinking gathering was invoked in 2005/2006. In 2006/2007, the skiing trip was organised for the first time and we celebrated the 60th anniversary of the VSPVU by organising a Lustrum week.

In 2007/2008, the board introduced a new corporate identity and the newsletter was modernised. The VSPVU also took part in the organisation of the LSPOD. In 2008/2009, a completely new website was launched. The sale of books was expanded for third-year students and was provided with a new cash system. Besides, online book sales began for students of seven master's. For the first time, a hitchhiking contest and a study trip by plane were organised. Also, the social drinking gatherings were provided with a theme. In 2009/2010, the Liftcie was made an official committee and three pilot committees were added: the Chronicles (yearbook), the Ouderdagcie and the Feestdagcie. Besides, the website was reformed, the board change was shifted to September and the policy weekend was organised for the first time. The study trip went outside of Europe (Marrakesh) for the first time and an Active Members Day was introduced. In 2010/2011, a few innovations inside the VSPVU were passed through to increase the professionalism of the association. A TV screen was installed in the VSPVU room. A new website was adopted. There has been invested in a new cash system for the new counter and an accounting system called Conscribo.

The year 2011/2012 was a special one because it was a lustrum year. A lustrum week was organised. A new website was made, an app was launched and it was the first board with part-time and full-time members. In 2012/2013, a complete corporate identity was introduced, together with a new logo. The website was once again renovated, the Opcie (OPD) was founded and lots of time and attention were invested in contact with the faculty, which from this year on (and hopefully for a long time) will be in our favour. In 2013/2014, the Chronicles, Congrescie, Opcie and Actie became official committees. Also, the last additions to the corporate identity were made and a multiannual plan was set up. In 2014/2015, the Pedagogiekcie was assented to as a pilot committee in the General Member Meeting. In 2015/2016, the Wintersportcie was agreed upon as an official committee, the name of the Pedagogiekcie was changed to Pedcie, the website proceeded under a new administrator, the member file was cleaned up and the VSPVU moved to the ground floor of the Medische Faculteit. Besides, in the college year 2015/2016, the monthly calendar of the VSPVU was made public to promote the VSPVU’s activities. Also, the templates for the most used documents were updated into corporate identity.

In the year 2016/2017, a five-year partnership with Bavaria was established and a bar was placed in the VSPVU room. Also, the VSPVU's newest committee, the Barcie, was formed. In 2017/2018, a lot changed in the association: for the first time, Psychology would be offered as an English study as well, making the VSPVU a bilingual association with both Dutch and International students. An Alcohol- and Drugs Policy was introduced and the association has been adjusted to be compliant with new GDPR rules. In the year 2018/2019 a lot of time has been devoted to further welcoming internationalization into the association. The Internal Regulations have been adjusted to include a mourning protocol and the way how voting on the Candidacy Board works has been changed. Finally, a new pub has been found to accommodate the growing amount of students. In the year 2019/2020 a lot of small changes have been made to optimize processes of the VSPVU. An updated website has been introduced with new functions and the Board has started to bring out monthly newsletters to tell members what they are up to.
