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About the Study Association VSPVU

The Vereniging Studenten Psychologie en Pedagogiek aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam (VSPVU) is the official study association for the studies of Psychology, Pedagogical Sciences, and University PABO at the VU. We offer study books (with a discount for members) and make a master guide each year. Furthermore, we organise many activities, like lectures, excursions, trips, travels, a yearly congress, a ball, and parties. We are also involved in organising the VU Introduction days. At the beginning of the college year, we organise the Illusie weekend, which is the weekend for first years to get to know their fellow students! It is also possible to join one of our many committees. Do you want to know more about all the possibilities? Then check our Committees!

Support the association with SponsorKliks
Would you like to financially support the association without spending any money? You can do that with SponsorKliks! You might want to know how this works, right? When ordering food, groceries or even clothes through this link you can go to your favorite web store. Think of, and many more. When ordering through that link, a part of your order amount will be sent to the VSPVU as a sponsoring, without it costing you anything more! It is also possible to download a Google Chrome extension so that you do not have to think about the website! Click on the link, type in VSPVU and select the stores that you use. It will make new bookmarks for you which you can use to order at your favourite web store while helping the VSPVU without anything extra!
